Monday, January 07, 2013

Welcome to Everyone!

Hello, Hello, Hello!!!

I know this is a little unconventional, but it has to work for now. I welcome all my readers from

I post as much as I can, as often as I can. I'm around the internet as often as I can be right now. I'm also in school, so I have a lot of demands on my time. I'm still available for "cat whispering" if you need it.

Latest topics are FLEAS, FLEAS and more FLEAS! I've been doing everything I can, but even Beasley, with his overfed self is getting sensitive to the chemicals. I'm about ready to start bathing the babies (claws and all!) to deflea them. As soon as they go to their beds or cat tree, they get fleas again. It's so frustrating! I don't know how much more of this we can take.

So, we are moving soon, and I'll bomb the place when I get them in their carriers and into the car.  Yes, I do change the litter box every time I do the flea stuff. Yes, I spray the house down and vacuum all the dead fleas and eggs up. It just doesn't seem to help.

I don't know where they are hiding, and I don't know if the cats can take much more of this. I know that Beasley and Princess, my larger cats, both had reactions this month. Bugs was fine, and Queenie was just a little more of a devil than usual (mostly because Beasley and Princess weren't able to keep her in her place).

Princess still attacks Bugsie in the middle of the night. I don't know what that's about. She just walks up to Bugs wherever she may be sleeping and smacks her about 5-7 times in the head. Bugsie is used to this by now, and I do try to stop it, but I almost wonder if Princess is sleepwalking....  Do cats sleepwalk??? 

Well, that's a quick update from the home front. I'll check in again in a few days. Request the Facebook page and I'll approve as fast as I can. It was supposed to be an open group, but somehow it got set up as a group that you have to be approved to join. I'll get that fixed next week when I have more leisurely internet access.

Love to all!!! 

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