Monday, September 05, 2011


I haven't been putting them up, but I often get a testimonial - a thank you - from a happy Cat Whispering client. Here is such a one I recently received....

Morgan- An update on Jasmine. She now rules the house; the dogs & the other cats. Although this makes #12, I am finding it difficult to think of giving her up. She looks at me with such love &, even tho she still has a little edge to her, she is 99% tamed! Such a crazy little kitten dashing around the house & enjoying laying in my lap & giving me head butts. Thought you would like an udate. Geri

I guess I should be putting them up, but I honestly don't remember to do that, and I wouldn't know where to put them. Maybe I should make a page of these, and put a link to the page on the Contact page. Opening a new tab, of course....

Just sayin'... Most of the time, folks are pretty happy with the results...

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