Sunday, March 27, 2011

Book Signing, Got Feelings Hurt...

The most exciting thing lately is that I saw the author of "Homer's Odyssey," Gwen Cooper, about Homer the Blind Wondercat that I've been following on
Facebook for a while. She came to Knoxville and talked at our school, Pellissippi State Technical Community College (PSTCC). I bought the book and she signed it.

While waiting in line for her to sign my copy, I was surrounded by a few women from the Knoxville Feral Friends. One was friendly, but the others were pointedly NOT friendly. My feelings got really hurt, and instead of talking S&*% about them, I kept my mouth shut. They care about the cats, and that works for me.

One of the reasons we "get into" cats in the first place is because we don't do well with people. At least cat fanatics like myself and the gals in Knoxville Feral Friends are like that. I understand. But it still hurt my feelings.

I guess that says a lot about me, doesn't it.....

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