Sunday, November 02, 2008


I sent out the newsletter unfinished. Instead of hitting up my readers with another issue right away to fix the oversight, I decided to leave it alone.

I've had a small fire at my house, restricted computer access and all manner of stuff going on. It's all an excuse but it did distract me. I guess something had to fall, and my newsletter issue was what fell.

Things are getting back to normal, but it will take a while yet for all the parts and pieces to balance out again.


Elizabeth Adams said...

Hello, Morgen ...

Thanks for the link to your last post on the SBI forum ... I found it !!!

Have a question ...

Do you subscribe to Google Alerts for things about cats et al. ???

For inspiration and the like ???

Regards, Elizabeth ...
phone: 360-427-1712

Morgen M said...

No, I don't subscribe to lists about cats. I have so much going on, it would probably help, but I just follow my own tune for most of the stuff I do.

It probably wouldn't hurt, but really, some of those lists talk about stuff that would just distract me from what I absolutely MUST get done each day.