Thursday, March 15, 2007

Contact Changes

I had trouble with getting too much email and not being able to keep up. Plus, I got resentful that nobody was paying for the service so I felt I was being taken advantage of. Not a good combination! Especially when I was getting so much email --

So, I took the contact form down for about a week, but I missed the contact with my readers. I put up a form as a guideline to writing to me at the PO Box. I advise on the page that this is not a free service, and that I expect $8.50 USD in check or money order with the request for help.

I also found a great video that I plugged into the page that gets sent around on my business cards:
It's something fun and fits right in with a home-based business and the website. Go see the video! Have a little fun this morning...

Well, the new job keeps me hopping, so I gotta go. Still working on bringing classes to Knoxville and teaching people who want to work from home all about websites and get them thinking about how to go about it.

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