Thursday, July 23, 2009

MSDS Sheets Moved

The MSDS Sheets from Flea-Fighters (now offline) have been moved to here....

MSDS Sheets

This is a valuable resource, and needs to be available online.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Wysong Foods...

Check this out...

Wysong, that incredible company, has put together some fabulous deals for website visitors. I'm still waiting for the links, but the packages are incredible.

I asked for 4 packages - including one for FIV/FeLV positive kitties - and they came through. How is that for responsive!

I gotta go put their banners up on the home page - it's only fair, isn't it?

Thursday, July 02, 2009


Wysong is cooking up a special for the site visitors. I suggest you become one, if you aren't already. I'll be posting the special links in the e-zine, too.