Saturday, December 05, 2009

Some Photos of the Cats....

Miss Flufferdoodle....



A gorgeous photo of Princess


Friday, November 20, 2009

I haven't talked about the "kids" lately...

Beasley got stepped on this morning. I stepped back while washing the dishes (no, I don't have a dishwasher - totally superfluous for one person!) and stepped squarely on his tail. He yelped, and I let up enough for him to take off like a shot. He was spitting out hair he'd nipped off, while bathing and laying behind me in the kitchen. Poor baby! I picked him up and apologized profusely!

He's much better. Overall, this is a true rarity.


Their behavior since Queenie took over as alpha, is really different. Queenie is a heavy-handed alpha cat. She lords it over everyone - even me - that she is now the true queen. Man, what a big head!

She picks on everyone, even Beasley. She used to tease him, but now she chases him. I've seen one positive, though. Fluffy is now engaging in the chasing games that she used to ignore. She would ignore everyone and everything, just going about her merry way. Now, she's involved.

Princess, my dethroned lady, is very insistent on snuggles all day now. She still won't come to sit next to me on the chair, but she is very snuggly all the same. Kissing is still part of the package, too. Very hard nips, along the hands, fore-arms and on my wrists.

Bugsy is less an instigator and more disobedient. She's not getting into fights like she did, but she still is bearing the brunt of the "discipline" by the others. She has taken to snuggling in the chair, in the most unlikely positions! She just wants to be held and cuddled. A stroke will cause her for flatten her ears - and I'm not sure if she's doing that out of fear of being hit (she's never been hit) or if she's making room for my hand. I make sure she gets a snuggle session as often as she asks for it. She pops up at least once a day.

Queenie keeps picking on Beasley. He'll be sleeping quietly on the cat-chair, and she will jump up and kick him off the chair. She will sit there about 15 minutes, then leave. Meanwhile, Beasley's sleep has been disturbed for no real reason.

She is also hogging the back of my chair, which used to be Beasley's refuge and his place to be close to me. I don't pet her like I do him while she's up there. But she won't back off.

This little cocoa colored tyrant needs to be brought down a peg!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I need your help....

One of the less-than-shining Vet Tech Schools resources has been taken over by another entity. I would like a review of the course from someone who has or is taking the course there. It looks much better.

It's Ashworth College Online, near the bottom of the page. Please follow the link to give me a review.

Thank You!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New Page on the Site...

I culled some information from other online places, including Wikipedia, on FLUTD - Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (Disorder). There are many causes of this condition, most are not caused by disease. The most obvious cause is diet. Here are some concrete recommendations, how to recognize the disorder, and when you absolutely MUST get the cat to a vet PRONTO!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Feral Cat Day!

It's National Feral Cat Day!

Give a kitty a home, feed a feral colony, donate to your local chapter of feral cat rescue, or donate to the local TNR program. Whatever you can do, please try.

No More Homeless Pets, another national movement, is really out to help us not have any more homeless animals.

The mission of the Focus on Felines campaign is to keep cats safe and out of shelters across the country. We partner with non-profits and local governments to help achieve a day when there are No More Homeless Pets. We implement innovative Trap Neuter Return (TNR) and educations programs to prevent ferals and strays—community cats—from entering shelters. The Focus on Felines web community is a place for cat lovers to meet, share information, and provide support and advice for TNR and community cat topics.

Change in Pecking Order

Well, Miss Princess is no longer my alpha cat...

I've been noticing that she is losing weight. Not enough to be really in a health crisis, but she is losing weight. Her fur is good, she is not dehydrated, and she seems healthy. She is snuggly, but still does not want to be picked up or held.

I was playing with the cats in the living room yesterday for the first time since we moved. They've had toys out, but I actually got out DaBird and played with them.

I noticed that each time Queenie would show up, Princess would cringe and cower to the ground. That tells me that something happened - probably just before we moved - and that Queenie is now the alpha.

Queenie has become "kissy kitty" and will get up on the arm of the chair when I'm sitting in it and "kiss me" repeatedly - nudging her nose/muzzle on my chin or nose - or even mouth!

These two behaviors, combined, tell me that the pecking order has changed. Princess is still a beautiful baby, and she knows I love her, but she is no longer telling me what to do.

She comes and asks, she snuggles, and will do the "hit-and-run" snuggle. But she stopped doing the prolonged "getting up on the arm of my chair" when I'm working late. She used to really demand that I quit and pay attention to her. She's not doing that any more.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Back to e-mails...

I'm back to answering e-mails in a timely manner. I'm so sorry it took so long. I was offline for 4-5 days, and completely out of touch.

In that time, I received a mailed submission, too! I'm confirming the e-mail address on that right now, and then I'll go forward with my response. Otherwise, all is well.

I sent out a special issue of the e-zine out today - there is a timely piece of legislation for pet owners in the USA, and you need to be aware of it.

I also picked up an article from the ASPCA about insecticides (flea drops) and cats, that I'll include in the next issue of the e-zine.

That's all for now! I'm very glad to be back!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

WooHoo! E-zine is put to bed....

I've been working on e-zine issues in between running here and there - building the house, going about the chores and trips around town that need doing, packing and working...

So, I finally got the September issue done, and it will go out on time! I'm kinda proud of myself, anyway...

It's been tough to get the e-zine issues done lately, with all that's going on. On to the October issue!

I hope you enjoy the issue. Due to come out Sept 1, so look for it.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


My apologies to my subscribers. I mistakenly sent out an unfinished e-zine issue for January 2010 today.

When I have a little time, I set up my e-zine issues to go out. It keeps the series going and in order, and it helps in planning product advertising campaigns.

It got sent instead of saved for future delivery. I apologize for the bother. Please don't unsubscribe becuase I had a brain-fart...

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Many silly posts

I put up a bunch of silly posts on the RSS feed yesterday.

I found a great video source of kittie videos. It was good to laugh! I hope you will look at one or more of them.

I don't get anything for it, but you will get a chuckle, I'm sure.

They were sponsored by Butterfinger candy bars.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

MSDS Sheets Moved

The MSDS Sheets from Flea-Fighters (now offline) have been moved to here....

MSDS Sheets

This is a valuable resource, and needs to be available online.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Wysong Foods...

Check this out...

Wysong, that incredible company, has put together some fabulous deals for website visitors. I'm still waiting for the links, but the packages are incredible.

I asked for 4 packages - including one for FIV/FeLV positive kitties - and they came through. How is that for responsive!

I gotta go put their banners up on the home page - it's only fair, isn't it?

Thursday, July 02, 2009


Wysong is cooking up a special for the site visitors. I suggest you become one, if you aren't already. I'll be posting the special links in the e-zine, too.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Disclosure of Payment Arrangements

In response to this post...

I am paid by my merchant partners when you purchase through the links I provide in my reviews. I do not accept free products or gifts for these endorsements. I actually purchase the products at the same price you get them.

I agreed to terms and conditions to become an affiliate partner. This arrangement is similar to a commission earned by a sales person. I use or have used each product I discuss; except for books, which meet the needs for educational programs I've found for you, or have been recommended by my friends. I purchase my own selections from the book merchants to be sure the process works correctly for you. That is my trust-building relationship with the merchant.

If you prefer to purchase the products without using my links, I hope you will. The merchant should not suffer because I recommend their product. However, it does help to pay for the cat food for 5 cats if you purchase using my links.

Thank you.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Who Am I? What do I Do?

I was asked to tell folks about my site and me, and how it works. This is what I came up with...

I am a cat lover and "cat whisperer" and I assist cat owners to keep their cats happy and keep the cats in their lives. I assist with badly-behaved cats and any situation where the owner or human involved cares to get counsel. I publish a monthly e-zine with training tips, health tips, and product reviews. My approach is as much holistic as it is mainstream.

Cats think differently than people, and sometimes it's just a matter of knowing what the problem is to be able to solve it. Other times, it takes a bit of detective work, and the owner's patience, while we sort it all out.

A cat that is attacking the owner is not likely to be kept in the home.

A cat that has turned mean to other cats or people can disrupt the peace and harmony of a home.

A cat that is urinating outside the box can be a true nuisance!

All these cats are in a real danger of being sent to a kill-shelter, and losing their lives, if not just their homes. So, I assist the people to resolution, helping the cat to remain in the home, and alive.

I work with cat owners, veterinarians, rescue organizations and adoption facilities. I also assist folks who want to work with cats as Veterinarians, Pet Sitters, Trainers, and Vet Techs, by offering resources and research to help them achieve their professional goals.

Question: Do you think I meet my objective?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Christmas page

This is the new
Christmas stuff....

It isn't finished yet, so keep checking back.

Weather Outage

I had a service outage. A tornado came through and ripped up and knocked out trees - taking the service pole with it. There were downed lines for about 12 hours. I'm glad there was no one hurt, and it was an exciting storm to watch!

It took another day to get internet restored. All is well, now.

The cats? They freaked out! I've never seen that with them. They cowered next to me like I could save them or something if the roof came off. The near thunder/lightning (a tree was struck) disturbed them. The thunder wasn't what we are used to - it was the cracking, ear-splitting kind, instead. We usually get the rolling kind.

I'd post a picture if my camera still worked.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Christmas in July...

Christmas is months away, but I will be busy building my new home over the months I normally work on the site. I'm starting to gather the information and items that will be available this year. If anyone has a need for a particular kind of gift, please let
me know.

There is more jewelery available this year. Some really cute stuff!

I'll post the page URL as soon as it's up. It may be another week or two.

Updated two pages

I updated two pages.

The Specialty Foods page now features the Natural Life food I talked about in the e-zine.

Specialty Foods for Cats

The Cat First Aid Kit page now features 2 books to keep in your kit. One is holistic, the other mainstream. Two options, both for home use. I suggest getting both the books.

Cat First Aid Kit

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Been doing food testing

I've updated the Specialty Foods for Cats page. I've added some new foods and if you are subscribed to the e-zine, you have been getting reports on diet and various foods.

I strongly suggest, that if you are *not* subscribed to the e-zine, that you do so. I have little time right now to update or add pages, but I keep the e-zine issues coming. You will be pleased with it.

Most folks I hear from are happy with the quality information I provide. I hope you are among them...

CatLover Magazine Sign Up

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Other Activities...

I've been working on other things and not able to concentrate as much as I'd like lately. I've got my tasks scheduled several days this week, so I'm off and about. I'm keeping up with the mail, so I'm not ignoring anyone that I know of.

It's a late one tonight, and things won't be "back to normal" till at least Monday. And then only for one week. They bloom again into busy-ness the first week of May.

Oh! I wish it were a garden! But my life is a garden, isn't it? So is yours...

Water, fertilize and watch it grow.


Saturday, April 18, 2009


My Fluff's picture after her haircut. She's SO sweet, she wants to sleep on my lap all the time, now. She is just so cute! She loves getting cuddles and scratches, now. The mats don't hurt her anymore. I've been training her to the brush so maybe she won't get as bad as she was again. Her tail was left pretty much alone, so she doesn't have a true lion cut. Also, we had to go a little bit up higher on her neck than the traditional lion cut.

She isn't as fat as I thought, either. She has a little pouch from her spay surgery, but she's otherwise quite well formed.

The dark spots around here are hair from the others. A white pillow doesn't stand a chance at my place!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Missy Flufferdoodle!

Well, still no good photos. Not for lack of trying! She lays on things that reflect too much light or are too dark to show her properly.

She has taken to being a lap-cat. I'm not averse to a lap cat, but every time I sit down, she comes over. Enough already!

Females always seem to be lap cats more than males. My boy, Mr. Beasley, will sit on the back of the chair and head-butt and cuddle from there. Queenie will do that or be on the arm of the chair. But Flufferdoodle (Fluffy) wants to be right on my lap, in my face, and goodness! If I'm eating, she needs to have her nose in it.

This place is too small for a true dining area, considering all the other things I do. So, I tend to eat in my recliner off a TV table. I can't wait for the new house! My dining set will get heavy use!

Anyway, Miss Fluffy is just very snuggly and actually gets upset when she can't have my lap for a little while. She comes back several times before she finally goes to sleep in the chair across the room - the cat's chair.

That chair is covered with cat hair, but protected from it, too. I have cushions and covers on the chair itself, and they lay on them - getting their hair on the covers. I clean it about once a week deeply, but by the end of the week, it's pretty covered with hair.

I also finally got the Ivermectin into her ear. She continued scratching for about an hour or so, but she finally stopped scratching that ear.

All is good.

Happy Easter to you....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Missy Fluffs

Missy Fluffs is still having some adjustment problems after her grooming session. Beasley is being a total putz! He hisses at her every time he sees her. It seems to be visual, not scent. The girls are doing better - Bugs is still having some trouble, but she's no longer hissing.

Poor Fluffy!

And she just can't get comfortable! Her skin is nearly exposed to the air, and it feels strange to her. She sits on the chair and shifts and twitches a lot. She finally gets comfy, and I scoot her off the chair so I can sit there, or so I can get up... Poor baby.

She's very snuggly, and she's her sweet self, but she is pouting a little bit. I almost wonder if I should make up a little kitty-sweater like those for chiuahua dogs. I know she'll get comfortable in a day or so, but the waiting and watching is hard to do.

Meanwhile, I keep telling her she's a pretty kitty and giving her as much love and affection as she will take. And I scold Beasley when he hisses at her. He pouts over that....

Can't win for losing, right now...

Pix when I can...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fluffy got clipped!

Boy! Does she look great! And her skin is in much better condition than it seemed to be, after she had a bath.

The groomer was Susie at Loving Hands Pet Grooming on Washington Pike, in Knoxville.

The charge was reasonable, and the service fabulous!

So much hair! No wonder I went through 2 clippers! Susie went through 3 blades on Fluffy. Yep, lots of hair!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Incredible Story of a Rescued Cat!

This poor cat got into a couch and the couch was donated! Well, the cat was found, and would you believe it! The person who bought the couch worked at an animal shelter. Talk about synchronicity!

The cat made it home OK, and there's a video to watch, here...

Cat Found in a Spokane Couch Just click on the picture.

Fluffy is getting groomed!

Miss Fluffy, on the left here, is going to finally get to the groomer on the 17th. She's been covered with mats for over 2 years.

I've been trying to remove the mats myself, of course. I've used a de-matting tool, 2 clippers (burned one set out, and almost burned out the second set) and gave up. I'm now using scissors to remove and loosen the worst of them. But she really needs a good clipping. Even under the chin!

Well, I found a local groomer who is willing. Fluffy is so sweet that "she makes my teeth hurt" so we'll see how she does with a stranger.

Site Nominated for Paws Up Best of 2009!!!

Paws Up
Pet Supplies - Cat Supplies - Pet Meds

WOW! Vote early and often!

This is a great honor, and you can read all about the Paws Up Program here.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I've been watching the world I'm used to melt away into nothing. The economy and the government are dealing with such serious issues, that talking about cats seems really trivial. I'm still here, still working behind the scenes, helping folks with their cats. But somehow, it doesn't seem like a really important thing right now.

Does anyone have any ideas to put folks to work? Let's do this ourselves. It looks like the government is pulling out "Politics as Usual" and fighting with themselves in a circle-jerk. I'm fed up with the lack of real help for people who are hurting. So, I'm asking all the readers - do you have any ideas? Let's just run them by each other, OK? No flaming, no judgements. Just toss out the ideas. After we get about 20-30 ideas on the table, we can start narrowing the field.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Page!

Brag on your kitty!

A new page, not yet linked in so that only the advance group gets it! It will be "Officially Announced" later this week in the e-zine. But you can add your entry now.

I've got a whole bunch of new books (Finally!) and I'll be putting them up. Also, I did some research with the various Veterinary colleges in the USA and got a feel for the entry requirements. It's always a good idea to do even more than they ask in some respects, but this new section will help those who are thinking about becoming a veterinarian. Never - EVER let someone say "Just a vet" in your hearing! These folks are amazing!

I've also got the goods on the textbooks for veterinary college, and vet tech courses. Great sources with excellent pricing. I'll be getting all that posted in a few days, so check the site.

Lots of love to you all!
