Friday, October 24, 2008

Man! I Missed It!

Man, I totally missed this one!

The cats are cute! Anybody got the McCain counterpart????

Sunday, October 19, 2008

ONP Community

My strength is in animal (cat) training. I have an uncanny ability to figure out what a cat is saying by it's behaviors when the behaviors are described thoroughly. That's how I do what I do.

I am restricting my comments at the Only Natural Pets Community Forum to the behavior area. I recommend some products, but I also talk about the training involved. This link will take you to the actual Forum topic I'm monitoring....

Please - contribute! I read all the posts and respond when it's right for me to. I am not "running" the topic, but certainly do contribute a lot. There are many folks who are gifted with cats out there, I'm just more visible than most.

Updates continue

I've been updating like crazy! Toys, homeopathic remedies, foods...

Man! Lots of work.

I pretty much took an action I've been putting off for a long time. I pulled all ads from one network, and only left a few from another, but those will go soon, too. I thought it was going that way a long time ago, but I kept hoping.

I'm over it. Too much work for no sales, since you guys don't like their stuff anyway. The stuff you like is still there. It isn't going away.

Basically, I'm as lazy as the next person, I guess. Internet businesses aren't supposed to be so darned hard and time-consuming. If things are that way, then you are doing something wrong. I've stopped doing the wrong things.